【飛行日期】 06/FEB/2015
【航空公司】 皇家約旦航空 Royal Jordanian Airlines (約旦 Jordan)
【航空班次】 RJ406
【客機系列】 巴西航空工業 Embraer E-Jet
【客機型號】 E-170 (ERJ170-200LR)
【出廠時期】 JUN/2008
【出廠序號】 17000232
【註冊編號】 JY-EMD
【客機機齡】 6 年 Years 8 個月 Months
【出發地點】 BEY 拉菲克·哈里里國際機場 Rafic Hariri Int'l Airport (黎巴嫩 貝魯特)
【到達地點】 AMM 阿勒婭王后國際機場 Queen Alia Int'l Airport (約旦 安曼)
【兩地距離】 238 公里km
【飛行距離】 1,040 公里km
【航班時間】 BEY 20:10 - AMM 22:00 (1 hr 50 min)
【客艙等級】 商務艙 Business Class
【機票類型】 單程機票 (One Way Fixed Ticket)
【機票價格】 256 美金USD
【個人評分】 五星為滿分
■櫃檯地勤 Airport Check-in:★
■機場貴賓室 Lounge:★★★
■機上餐飲 Meal:★★★
■客機座椅 Seat:★★★
■機上娛樂 Entertainment:★
■空服員服務 CA Service:★★★★
■客機 Air Craft:★★★
I don't know who designed this airport, but what I can say is that it's a terrible airport without thinking Traffic Line of passengers. The ticket office of airlines (except Middle East Airlines) are located at a place where you have to go down to arrival lobby and pass a small dark path to reach the elevator to those ticket offices. Even you are in the Departure Floor, there are many taxi drivers and they talk to everyone to catch their targets like hyenas. Moreover, as the way to lounge is only a small elevator with a small sign board, so it's very difficult for passengers to find the loundge.
19:40 開始登機、但是才3分鐘就 Last Call!
E-175 的商務艙的座位是1-2排列。
實際飛行航道(取自個人GPS Garmin eTrex 30J)